"Рейд Дулиттла", 1942 г. (Часть 2)
Army Air Corps and Navy enlisted personnel loading 50 Cal. ammunition aboard B-25's. |
USS "Hornet" (CV-8) launches Army Air Force B-25B bombers, at the start of the first U.S. air raid on the Japanese home islands, 18 April 1942. Probably the most famous photo of the ship. |
An Army Air Forces B-25B bomber awaits the takeoff signal on the flight deck of USS "Hornet"
(CV-8), as the raid is launched, 18 April 1942. Note Flight Deck Officer holding launch flag
at right, and white stripes painted on the flight deck to guide the pilot's alignment of his
plane's nose and port side wheels.
An Army Air Force B-25B bomber takes off from USS "Hornet" (CV-8) at the start of the raid, 18 April 1942. Note men watching from the signal lamp platform at right.
Color version of photo above. Inset: Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle, USAAFR, attaching Japanese medals to a 500 pound bomb to be dropped on Tokyo. The medals had been awarded to US Navy personnel before the war. |
«Хорнет» во время рейда на Токио, 1942 г. |
USS "Hornet" (CV-8) arrives at Pearl Harbor after the Doolittle Raid on Japan, 30 April 1942. PT-28 and PT-29 are speeding by in the foreground.
«Хорнет» (CV-8) утром 26 октября 1942 г. «Кейт» проходит над палубой после сброса торпеды. Один «Вэл» уже вышел из пикирования, второй через мгновенье протаранит «остров» и лётную палубу. |
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